cheap family recipes
feed a family of 4 for less than £200 a month
Read on for our tips on how to make life easier, however many you’re catering for…
When starting the planner as a single, simply dividing the shopping list by four will give odd amounts so round up to nearest size. This will leave things over but they can be used next month. The first month’s shop will be slightly more than £25 but will average out over time, if you continue the planner for longer.
If following planner one, a single person will need approx 1-2 pints of milk per week – this will vary somewhat, as it’s used in some recipes and also depends on how much you like in your tea. This is not a concern for those following planner 2, as it is vegan so contains no milk or dairy.
You’ll need two loaves of homemade bread per week as a single person following the plan to the letter, including all breakfasts and lunches – which is half a batch of your bread recipe. Simply halve all the ingredients stated except the yeast, which you must always use at least 10g of, however small a batch you’re making of any of the recipes it is used in.

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Bean Curry
cheap family recipes feed a family of 4 for less than £200 a monthBean CurryCurry in a hurry - on the table in 25 minutes! This curry is part of monthly meal plan 1 and serves 4. What do I need to make curry in a hurry ▢ 1 can tomatoes▢ 1 tin baked beans▢ 1 can...
Apple Curd
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Walnut and Pumpkin Seed Butter
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Take care of your family and your budget
Before putting together our meal planners we surveyed over 600 people to ask when faced with a tighter budget, which things they would struggle to give up.