cheap family recipes 

feed a family of 4 for less than £200 a month

Snack Recipes

Tomato Relish

Tomato Relish

If you are following the vegan monthly meal plan, this tangy homemade tomato relish is used as a condiment whenever you would like to use it.

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Tangy Bean Pate

Tangy Bean Pate

The beans in this bean pate can be changed for a tin of anything else, butter beans, white beans, green lentils, mixed spicy beans, chickpeas etc

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Lemon Cordial

Lemon Cordial

cheap family recipesfeed a family of 4 for (just over) £100 a monthLemon Cordial Why Not Try....?Before putting together our meal planners we surveyed over 600 people to ask when faced with a tighter budget, which things they would struggle to give...

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Lemon Cheesecake

Lemon Cheesecake

Blitz an entire lemon when making this gorgeous, and simple cheesecake. Mix it by using an orange or lime instead

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Fruity Scones

Fruity Scones

cheap family recipes feed a family of 4 for (just over) £100 a monthFruity Scones  There is 15p per person, per day, allocated in the given budget for the month for fruit. This isn't much and you will need to shop carefully if you want to stick with...

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Vegan doughnuts are surprisingly not that difficult to make. Mix some loose bread dough, prove, fry until golden and toss in sugar

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Carrot Cake

Carrot Cake

A classic way to get vegetables into children in a delicious way. A soft, light, utterly gorgeous cake

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Boodle Biscuits

Boodle Biscuits

family recipesfeed a family of 4 for £100 a monthBoodle BiscuitsLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eget ex a arcu lobortis ornare. Etiam vitae viverra urna. Sed sed feugiat elit, nec imperdiet nisl. Donec sit amet ornare quam. Donec maximus...

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Why Not Try....?

Walnut and Pumpkin Seed Butter

Walnut and Pumpkin Seed Butter

cheap family recipes feed a family of 4 for less than £200 a monthWalnut ButterWalnuts and pumpkin seeds made into a delicious nut butter - won't find this in the shops! Use different nuts or seeds to ring the changes. What do I need to make this walnut and pumpkin...

Vegan Tomato and Basil Soup

Vegan Tomato and Basil Soup

cheap family recipes feed a family of 4 for less than £200 a monthVegan Tomato & Basil SoupThis fresh and delicious tomato and basil soup is offered as an alternative option in the Celebration Week Planner, but can be enjoyed at any time, and as it uses tinned...

Creamy Parsnip Soup

Creamy Parsnip Soup

cheap family recipes feed a family of 4 for (just over) £100 a monthCreamy Parsnip SoupCreamy parsnip soup, such a classic Christmas flavour. Easy to make, warming and comforting How Do I Make Creamy Parsnip Soup? This recipe uses frozen parsnips. If you prefer to use...

Take care of your family and your budget

Before putting together our meal planners we surveyed over 600 people to ask when faced with a tighter budget, which things they would struggle to give up.

Want to know more about how to feed yourself fantastically frugal food?