cheap family recipes
feed a family of 4 for less than £200 a month
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Why Not Try....?
Nut Roast with Bubble and Squeak
cheap family recipes feed a family of 4 for (just over) £100 a monthNut Roast with Bubble and SqueakWalnuts, peanuts and kidney beans combine in this vegan Sunday roast, served with bubble & squeak - yum! Why Not Try....?Before putting together our...
Peanut and Pumpkin Seed Butter
cheap family recipes feed a family of 4 for (just over) £100 a monthPeanut and Pumpkin Seed ButterOn meal plan 1, this peanut and pumpkin seed butter is served for 3 breakfasts and 3 lunches. Make this batch twice in the month Serve 25g each portion, on a slice of...
Cream of Mushroom Soup
cheap family recipes feed a family of 4 for less than £200 a monthCream of Mushroom SoupI have made this with both fresh and frozen mushrooms and either option works really well. What do I need to make this cream of mushroom soup. ▢ 400 g mushrooms▢ 50 ml oil▢ 2...
Take care of your family and your budget
Before putting together our meal planners we surveyed over 600 people to ask when faced with a tighter budget, which things they would struggle to give up.