cheap family recipes
feed a family of 4 for less than £200 a month

- 5 g garlic
- 40 g tomato puree
- 40 ml vegetable oil
- 70 g self raising flour
- 120 g chick peas soaked, cooked and lightly crushed with a fork
- 150 g lard melted in the microwave
- 130 g oat instant oats
- salt & pepper to taste
- Mix all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl.
- Place dessertspoon blobs onto a baking tray and cook at gas 6 for 10ish mins or until the top looks a little crispy and browned at the edge.
- Makes 36.
- Eat 3 at a time as a snack, make 3 batches in the month.
Equipment Needed
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